
The History of CB Radio in the UK

CB (Citizens Band) radio has a rich history in the UK, dating back to the 1970s. It began as a grassroots movement, inspired by the booming popularity of CB radio in the United States, where it became iconic among truckers, hobbyists, and those seeking an affordable means of communication.

In the early years, CB radio in the UK operated without official regulation, leading to a growing underground community of users who communicated over the airwaves, defying the legal restrictions of the time. This underground movement led to the formation of tight-knit communities of CB enthusiasts, who used their radios for everything from social chatter to organizing events. Enthusiasts also adopted the popular CB “lingo,” including the now-famous “10-4” and unique user handles.

It wasn’t until November 1981 that CB radio became legal in the UK. After years of lobbying by hobbyists and CB users, the government introduced legislation allowing CB radio use on designated frequencies. However, this came with a major difference compared to the American system—UK CB radios had to use FM modulation rather than AM, which had been the standard in the US. This decision was made to minimize interference with other communication systems and protect the airwaves.

The legalization of CB radio opened the door for a new wave of users, from truckers to off-road enthusiasts, to caravanners and hobbyists alike. In the 1980s and 1990s, CB radio grew steadily in popularity, with people using it for both practical and recreational purposes. It was a lifeline for drivers and travelers, providing a way to stay in touch while on the move, especially in rural areas where mobile phone coverage was limited.

While the advent of mobile phones and the internet has reduced the prominence of CB radio in modern times, it still holds a special place for many. CB radio remains a popular tool for those in rural areas, off-road drivers, emergency communications, and as a nostalgic hobby for longtime enthusiasts. The sense of community and camaraderie fostered through CB radio is alive and well, with a new generation of users rediscovering its charm.

This overview highlights the key milestones in CB radio’s journey in the UK,

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Cobra 29 LTD

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